Simple Eco-Friendly Choices

Ditch the cups!
Ever wonder where all the disposable coffee cups and plastic water bottles go? Well, we’re glad you asked. They slowly decompose and leach toxins into our environment. Don’t worry, it’s not too late to start bringing reusable mugs with you on your coffee runs. Do it for the kids!
HINT: some shops will even offer a discount if you do!

Buy in Bulk
Let’s say it together “COSTCO MEMBERSHIPS.” Buying in bulk typically means less packaging, which means less waste, which means better for the environment! In more cases than not these options are usually cheaper too!

AKA let’s get rid of those plastic straws! 
By now we’ve all heard how much one use plastic straws devastate the environment and disrupt our sea life friends. Save Squirt the turtle by opting for reusable straws, sipping straight from the bottle..errr glass. We mean it’s the holidays, it’s allowed!

Snaps For Green Bins
Did you know compostable items make up a large amount of the waste in landfills? Wanna do something about it? Take the time to properly go through your waste and separate out the compostable waste for your green bin! These compostable items, when disposed of correctly, can help bring land back to life.

Receive & Pay Your Bills Electronically
Snail Mail is sooooo last decade! Receiving e-statements means less paper to file and allows you to easily access for future reference. No more late fees + no more postage costs = time and money saved!

Planes, Trains And Automobiles
Opt for eco-friendly ways of getting from point A to point B. Walk, run, bike, blade, public transit and carpool karaoke your way around!  Not only will you save money on gas / repairs / parking, etc. - you will have a great time singing Adele with your friends AND you’ll reduce your carbon footprint.

Bring Lists Into This Century
Do you have "to do" lists, grocery/shopping list post its, and crumpled up pieces of paper in every pocket, purse, and all over the fridge?  Modernize that sh!t. Start a shared note in your phone that family members can also update or get an app to make these lists instead!

Lights Out!
Get into the practice of turning lights off when you leave the room. By doing so you’ll also save some money on your electricity bill. If you really want to get crazy, start switching all of your bulbs to more energy efficient ones.

Take A Cold Shower… We’re Talking To Your Clothes!
Let’s face it... no one likes a cold shower, but by switching your laundry loads to washing in warm or cold water can drastically reduce the energy used to heat it.